Register For the Training That Most Suits Your Needs
I recommend registering for just one training at a time, so you don’t get TOO many reminder emails from me at once!
Professionals (e.g., Educators & Therapists
How to Create Lasting Impact Leading “Caregiver & Me” Classes With a High Quality, Evidence-Based, “Plug & Play” Program That’ll Have Families Coming Back Again & Again
Ever considered leading caregiver/baby classes to promote parent education about play and development or facilitate opportunities for parent support?
Establish yourself as a resource and leader in your local community, create a steady stream of clients for your other services, and earn an income!

“Caregiver & Me” Demo Class
On-Demand “Caregiver & Me” Class for Families* with Infants or Toddlers
Expecting a little one? Deep in the throes of the first year of parenthood? Wrangling a toddler? Maybe all three of these?!
Then I’ll be you’ve wondered whether you’re doing “enough” or doing it “right” when it comes to supporting & connecting with your tiny human(s).
Discover how to help your little one learn without having to do anything extra, in a warm, welcoming community of other parents and caregivers, locally or online!
* Professionals are welcome to register for this demo class, but our live classes are reserved for families with young children

“Cultivating Connection”
Serving Our Community Members Most Affected By What’s Happening in Israel & Palestine: An Intersectional Panel
This free event was recorded live & features an ambitious 9 panelists holding a variety of identities, who are educators, healthcare professionals, liberatory/DEI practitioners, and/or parents/caregivers.
The goal: mutuality, understanding, and an attempt at shared reality, connection, in community.
The event is great for educators, healthcare providers, parents, caregivers, & other community members curious to learn more about the personal experiences of those closely affected by the long history of conflict and ongoing war.
* SLPs can receive 2 hours of certified maintenance hours toward professional development