Are you looking for simple play ideas for a baby?

Are you stuck when it comes to things to do with your infant or toddler?

Effective ways to support your young child’s development have nothing to do with how many toys you have in your house or how expensive those play materials are. Playing with your baby has everything to do with the interaction, and with making the time and space for observation. Time and space? Who has that?! – yes, I know. These are two resources that parents and caregivers of infants and toddlers often inherently lack. I’m here to show you that you don’t need much – of either!

In addition, you don’t need to make big investments in fancy toys for your child. Often, the best toys for infants and toddlers are the objects we already have sitting around our homes. Open-ended materials (sometimes referred to as “loose parts”) are often the commonly found objects in our homes. Wooden spoons and paper rolls double as drum mallets, mixing bowls are simply nesting toys in their natural habitat.

In an effort to help new parents and caregivers find games for babies to play that are both cost-effective and time-efficient, I’m sharing three ways for you to engage in simple play activities for infants and toddlers – this one features the paper roll!

Watch below for a quick demonstration!

What do you think?

Have you used these ideas? How did it go? What variations have you made?

How do you use a paper roll at home with your infant or toddler?

Come join the Learn With Less® Curriculum Online Program for families and tell us! Learn With Less is not only the place where families can access high quality, evidence-based information about how their infants and toddlers learn and develop – it’s also the place where we can access each other!

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