Why Caregiving Routines?

Caregiving routines are often beautiful ways to integrate interaction and learning into your baby’s day.

The best part?

You’re already engaging in caregiving routines everyday, throughout the day.

So, whether you’re working full-time, or whether your home is your work, you can work in special learning moments and maximize your interaction time with your child.

Why music?

Music is a natural framework for interaction and play.

Babies are already paying attention to your voice, and by changing your voice in small ways to make it more musical (which you’re already likely doing if you’re integrating elements of “infant-directed speech“), you’re already halfway there!

Sing (or talk) about what you see, sing about what your baby sees, what you or your baby is doing, or something in the environment!

For more great musical ideas, as well as…

  • A collection of developmentally appropriate, simple activities for your child, from birth to three years
  • Live virtual events (parent support, parent education, Q&A workshops with professionals, Learn With Less® family enrichment sessions)
  • A library of resources on your biggest early parenting challenges that you can access at your convenience
  • A sounding board – a community of other families and professionals,

Check out the Learn With Less® Curriculum Online Family Program

We’re all in this together.

Simplify your parenting journey and get what matters when you need it most.

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