The week-by-week development and activity guides for playing with your baby, from birth to three years
The bestselling books, Understanding Your Baby and Understanding Your Toddler form the foundation for the Learn With Less® Curriculum.
If you love reading, these are a wonderful access point to get started with Learn With Less®.
Read on for more options!

Looking for the path of least resistance?
You can access the Learn With Less® curriculum without even picking up the books!
Check out our “Caregiver & Me” classes using the Learn With Less® curriculum, and put it all into practice!
If you are ready to feel like a competent, confident, capable parent…
If you want to enjoy playing with your child (without having to worry about having the “right” toys)…
If you want to make life easier…
If you want to feel less lonely…
“This curriculum teaches us ways to be more attuned to our baby, how to be more responsive.
You’re helping us nurture our baby’s vagus nerve so they can feel safe and connected and are better equipped to handle the stressors of life well.
You’re creating this incredible ripple effect that’s creating a better world one baby at a time.”
“It’s all there… It’s respecting the child. It’s guiding the child, leading the child and play, sing, move, talk.
I think that’s the biggest takeaway: understanding my child and realizing that the home is enough!
Don’t you realize how awesome that idea is? Like wow, how freeing that is. I think that’s where all the clues and my intuition was always leading.”
Are you a professional working with new parents?
Get certified to become a Learn With Less® Facilitator, and offer live (in person or virtual) classes in your area!